For us to experience and grow in authentic Christian community, the word of God must “dwell in us richly” and the only way that will happen is if we devote ourselves to being partakers, lovers and students of the word.

All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be completed, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Practical suggestions for time/remembrance/making it a true HABIT of grace

PRAY before, during and after you read the Bible- the Holy Spirit alone can give you illumination and understanding of spiritual truth

READ the Bible with your kids at dinner/family devotion/bedtime each night

JOIN or start a Bible study with others- pick a book of the Bible and go

PURCHASE a good study Bible to help in-depth study (E.g., ESV Study Bible)

STUDY the Bible with numerous techniques- read it to be exposed to the scriptures, read it to memorize, read it to grow in understanding

USE your phone to read the Bible/follow a Bible reading plan

USE a scripture journal - good for taking notes/writing prayers

LISTEN to the Bible when going to bed at night, when getting ready for work, when doing chores

STUDY scripture over and over before consulting commentaries- use scripture to interpret scripture- use lots of cross references in your studies

  • This will help you learn how the OT speak to the NT and vice versa

USE a good, reliable commentary to help you understand scripture

  • I like the Pillar New Testament Commentary series, Preaching the Word NT Commentary series, Matthew Henry Commentary on Whole Bible, Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament

  • You can buy these and others hard copy, or you can find most of them online (biblehub.com, blueletterbible.org, preceptaustin.org)

READ through smaller books of the Bible in one sitting

  • Doing this over and over again will help you retain/remember

READ the Bible each day either before work and/or before bed

  • Pick a good Bible reading plan and stick with it

SET alarms on your phone/watch/computer to remind you to read/pray throughout the day

LISTEN to the Bible during your commute to and from work/errands/etc.

  • Bible App (YouVersion), Word of Life Dramatized Audio Bible

SET up measures of ACCOUNTABILITY with others- spouse or friends- check-in with each other weekly/monthly (how has your time in the Word been? What has the Lord been teaching you in the Word?)

WATCH the Bible Project videos

  • Overview of books with illustrations, overview of biblical themes- very helpful

  • Here’s a good place to start (How to Read the Bible)

PLAY Bible memory/Bible trivia games on phone

  • Instead of other games, spend some time playing bible trivia- expand your knowledge of Scripture

WHEN you don’t make time to be in the Word, don’t try and ‘self-atone’ by reading more the next time- just pick up where you left off- there is NO CONDEMNATION- you will NEVER read the Bible as much as you should and that’s okay- CHRIST is your righteousness, not your devotion to reading the Bible

READ the Bible EVEN when you don’t feel like it- remember that Satan HATES when you read the WORD- because he KNOWS that the WORD is our WEAPON against him and the better we know how to WIELD it, the more we can COMBAT his attacks and temptations

ENJOY reading other Christian books but DON’T substitute them for reading the BIBLE- the BIBLE ALONE is the inspired, supernatural word of God and you MUST feed on it REGULARLY
